SLS Group

Jl. Diamond Park Residence, Permata Inti Juanda B-1,
Sidoarjo, 61253
Jawa Timur, Indonesia

SLS and Subsidiary Companies

Coal Mining Company

PT. Andrea Multi Energy

With Andrea Multi Energy, there are 4 concessions that under SLS’s portfolio in kecamatan Manoor Bulatn which all together will operate in the latest of semester 2 in year 2022. There are some concessions around this area which will be operating and using AKM’s infrastructure. Andrea Multi Energy is expected to have 12.000.000 of coal deposit with GAR 38 quality. These concessions are selected to maximize efficiency and effectiveness for its logistic and mining advantage since it’s relatively close between one and another.

Projects AME
  • Project Location
  • Cooperation System
  • Cooperation Duration
  • Scope of Work
  • Project Value
  • Description
  • Reserves
  • Stripping Ratio (SR)
  • Gross As Received (GAR)
  • Ash
  • Total Sulfur (TS)
  • Hauling Distance
  • Port
  • Contractor
  • Annual Production Achievement
  • Annual Production Plan
  • -
  • Ownership (51% by SLS)
  • -
  • Coal Mining
  • $ 600,000,000
  • -
  • 12.000.000 MT
  • 4
  • 3800-4000
  • <5
  • <0,4
  • 48Km
  • PT. Abyakta Kirana Mahakam
  • PT. Sentosa Laju Sejahtera
  • Infrastructure (2022)
  • 800.000 MT (2023)